Board of Directors

Current Board of Directors:

President : Mr. Dennis Ko

Vice President : Dr Tun Zan Maung

Secretary : Mr. Tun Aung Kyaw

Treasurer : Dr. Khin Khin Oo

Joint Treasurer: Ms. Soe Soe Min

Board members-at-large:

1. Ms. Nu Nu Yawnghwe

2. Dr. Ohnma Han

3. Mr. Thar Kyi

4. Mr. Myo Zin

5. Mr. San Lwin

6. Ms. Dulcie Nan Yin

7. Ms. San Thawdar Kyaing (Ma Thaw)

8. Ms. Win Win Than

9. Ms. San Mya Soe

10. Mr. Jolly Chu

11. Dr. Tun Myint (Thomas)


Mr. Reggie Tun Maung and Mr. James Chow

We urge all our well-wishers to give their support wholeheartedly to the board so that they can fulfill their duties and responsibilities.

Brief History of Manawmaya Theravada Buddhist Society
Resident Monks