List of the newly elected MTBS Board Members and Final Kahtina Robe donors list

The MTBS held the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2022 on October 16 at the Surrey monastery.  New board members were elected at the AGM.  We are happy to announce the new MTBS board members as follows:

Patron: Mr. James Chow

President :  Mr. Dennis Ko
Vice President :  Dr Tun Zan Maung
Secretary :  Mr. Tun Aung Kyaw
Treasurer :  Dr. Khin Khin Maung
Public Relation Officer : Mr. Tun Myint (Thomas)
Religious Coordinators : Ms. San Thawdar Kyaing (Ma Thaw) and Mr. Alfred Chu
Men  Auxiliaries :  Mr. Than Htut and Mr. Peter Chiu and Mr. Ahkan Chu (Jolly)
Women Auxiliaries: Ms. Win Win Than and Ms. San Mya Soe

We hope the new board will keep the excellent tradition as well as bring new ideas to promote and propagate Buddha’s Sasana.


2022 Kahtina Robe donor lists

MTBS hosted the Kahtina Robe Offering Ceremony on October 16, 2022 (Sunday).
Well-wishers have kindly donated $ 11,247 for Kahtina Robe and $ 4,100 for Kahtina Robe Offering Ceremony, for a total of $ 15,347.
Please see attached files for the donor lists for you to get the merit by saying “Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!”.
Kathina Donation 2022


Kahtina Robe offering ceremony

You are cordially invited to the Kahtina Robe offering ceremony to donate robes to the six members of the Sangha, including Venerable U Sanda, on October 16, 2022, Sunday.

The main food for the event is Mote Hin Gar (Burmese noodle in fish gravy).

In order for a wider audience to participate in the event, we would like to offer you an opportunity to be a donor (co-sponsor) by donating $100 to the event.

These donations will be used not only for cooking Mote Hin Gar, but also to make a toiletries tree, and cash donation to members of Sangha.

As of this morning, the following well-wishers have donated $100 each (except New World Screen Printing for a generous donation of $1,000) for the Kahtina Robe Offering ceremony.

  1. Hip Tan & Daw San San Yee family
  2. Alfred Chu & Ma Mya Mu and family
  3. Cliff Chu family
  4. Harris and Ivy Aun
  5. Ko family
  6. Sai Yi Tip & Nang Shwe Sein
  7. Saion & Nang Yin Yin Tip
  8. Ko Aung Win (Ronald Wong) & Ma Yin Yin Ohn family
  9. Ko Than Htut, Ma Myint Myint Mon & Victor
  10. Htet Phyo Aung & Gwihee Park family
  11. San Thawda Kyaing
  12. Rose Mary Chan & Sein Aung family
  13. Htay Aung & Ma Aung May Oo
  14. Jolly & Kay Chiu
  15. Tun Myint, Myint Myint Than and family
  16. Ohnmar Han
  17. Yvonne Power
  18. Thant Zin Aung and Khine Thazin Myint
  19. Peter & Khin Chan
  20. Kyaw Moe Han and Phyu Lai Min family
  21. Aung Naing /Thuza Win Maung family
  22. New World Screen Printing Ltd. ($1,000)

Donations are still open.  If you would like to donate for this occasion, please contact Venerable U Sanda at 604-951-9054 or Dennis Ko (President) at 604-761-0419 or by sending eTransfer to or via

If you are sending an eTransfer to MTBS bank account using, we would like to remind you to send your name for the tax receipt (and mention the purpose of the donation (e.g. General donation, Waso Robe, etc.)) to email address: too. A tax receipt will be emailed to you once the payment has been received.

Please allow us to remind you to participate at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) after the Kahtina Robe Offering ceremony.

If you are willing to volunteer to cook Mote Hin Gar, please show up at the monastery around 10 am on October 15 (Saturday).

Annual AGM & Kahtina Robe Offering

You are cordially invited to the AGM of MTBS to be held at MTBS on October 16, at 12:30 pm, immediately after the Kahtina Robe Offering Ceremony.

The current MTBS board members are:

Patron: Mr. James Chow

President :  Mr. Dennis Ko

Vice President :  Dr Tun Zan Maung

Secretary :  Mr. Tun Aung Kyaw

Treasurer :  Dr. Khin Khin Oo

Public Relation Officers : Ms. Nu Nu Yawnghwe and Mr. Tun Myint (Thomas)

Religious Coordinators : Ms. Ohnmar Han and Ms. San Thawdar Kyaing (Ma Thaw)

Men Auxiliaries : Mr. Ahkan Chiu, Mr. Alfred Chu, Mr. Aung Paing, and Mr. San Lwin

Women Auxiliaries: Ms. Win Win Than and Ms. San Mya Soe

We are planning to reform and strengthen the MTBS board during the AGM.  You can contribute to the society by volunteering as a member of MTBS board.  If you are interested in being a board member, please contact U Dennis Ko (President) and express your willingness to be a board member.  We will elect board members during the AGM.

We hope the new board will keep the excellent tradition as well as bring new ideas to promote and propagate Buddha’s Sasana.

Hope to see you all at AGM!

With warm regards,

MTBS Board

A special Ahlu (ceremony) at MTBS on Sunday, September 4, 2022 in the fond memorial of BRIAN

We plan to hold a special Ahlu (ceremony) on Sunday, September 4, 2022.

The lunch (Mote-hin-gar) donors are Daw Phyu Win and daughter – Sanda Ooin the fond memorial of their late beloved one, Brian, who passed away about 5 years ago.

The event agenda is the following:

10:00 a.m. –  Taking five precepts,
10:05 a.m. –  Listening to Dhamma talk,
11:15 a.m. –  Offering lunch to Venerable U Sanda, and
11:30 a.m. –  Lunch (Mote-hin-gar) to well-wishers.

Manawmaya Theravada Buddhist Society (MTBS)
13260 108th Ave Surrey BC
(604) 951-9054

We are seeking volunteers to prepare for cooking Mote-hin-gar on Sunday, August 28, 2022, from 10 am to 1-2 pm.  If you are able to volunteer, please show up at the monastery on  August 28, 2022, around 10 am. The event donor will provide lunch for all volunteers.  

You can also take some wholesome merit (Kuso) by laying the tables and chairs for all attendees and well-wishers before the event, taking them down and doing clean-up after the event.

There will be more parking spots available inside the next door compound on the 108th Ave.

Special Ahlu

We plan to hold a special Ahlu (ceremony) on Sunday, August 7, 2022.
The lunch (Mote-hin-gar) donors are Daw Aye Aye San and daughters: Maple and Noble, in the fond memorial of their late beloved one, U Tin Tun, who passed away on July 9th 2022.

The event agenda is the following:

10:00 a.m. – Taking five precepts,
10:05 a.m. – Listening to Dhamma talk,
11:15 a.m. – Offering lunch to Venerable U Sanda, and
11:30 a.m. – Lunch (Mote-hin-gar) to well-wishers.

Manawmaya Theravada Buddhist Society (MTBS)
13260 108th Ave Surrey BC
(604) 951-9054

Waso Robe Offering Ceremony

We plan to hold this year’s Waso Robe offering ceremony on Sunday, July 10, 2022.
The lunch donors are U Tin Aye, Daw Myint Myint Yi and family.
The event agenda is the following:

10:00 a.m. –  Taking five precepts,
10:05 a.m. –  Listening to Dhamma talk,
11:15 a.m. –  Offering lunch to Venerable U Sanda, and
11:30 a.m. –  Lunch (Myanmar rice noodle salad with chicken (Nan Gyi Thoat) ) to well-wishers.

Manawmaya Theravada Buddhist Society (MTBS)
13260 108th Ave Surrey BC
(604) 951-9054

We are seeking volunteers to prepare for cooking Nan Gyi Thoat on Sunday, July 9, 2022, from 10 am to 1-2 pm.  The event donor will provide lunch for all volunteers.  Please show up at the monastery on July 9, 2022, around 10 am if you are able to volunteer.

You can also take some wholesome merit (Kuso) by laying the tables and chairs for all attendees and well-wishers before the event, taking them down and doing clean-up after the event.

There will be more parking spots available inside the next door compound on the 108th Ave.

Vesak Day 2022

We are going to celebrate the Buddha Day (Also known as Vesak Day) at the temple on Sunday, May 15, 2022. Even though most of the restrictions on gathering indoors regarding the COVID-19 have been lifted, we encourage you to wear face marks as much as if possible for the safety of yourselves and others as a pre-cautionary measure. We hope every attendee has been vaccinated, too.

Daw San Thawda Kyaing and family (Ma Thaw & Family) will generously donate lunch to all attendees.

You and your loved ones are cordially invited to the event.

The event agenda is the following:

Manawmaya Theravada Buddhist Society (MTBS)
13260 108th Ave Surrey BC
(604) 951-9054

10:00 a.m. – Taking five precepts
10:05 a.m. – Listening to Dhamma talk
11:15 a.m. – Offering lunch to Venerable U Sanda and/or members of Sangha
11:20 a.m. – Lunch to well-wishers and attendees.

You can also take some wholesome merit (Kuso) by laying the tables and chairs for all attendees and well-wishers before the event, taking them down and doing clean-up after the event.

There will be more parking spots available inside the next door compound on the 108th Ave.