Dhamma Talk

You and your family as well as everyone in our society are cordially invited to come for lunch on Sunday,  September 01,2024 at Surrey Monastery (MTBS).

Daw San Thawda Kyaing ( Ma Thaw) & family will generously donate lunch to Sayadaw U Sanda and all attendees on that day to remember and share merit with her late husband who passed away last 6 years ago.

The event will be held at:

Manawmaya Theravada Buddhist Society (MTBS)
13260 108th Ave Surrey BC
(604) 951-9054

10 a.m. -Dhamma Talk
11 a.m- Offering lunch to Sayadaw U Sanda
11:05 a.m.- Offering lunch to all attendees

There are many opportunities for you to get wholesome merit (Kuso):

  1. by helping cooking volunteers one day before and/or
  2. by laying the tables and chairs for all attendees and well-wishers one day before the event, taking them down and doing clean-up after the event.

There will be more parking spots available inside the next door compound on the 108th Ave.

It has come to our attention that this email notice might go into your “Junk” mailbox.  We therefore urge you to check your “Junk” mailbox and move this email notice to your regular “Inbox” mailbox. Then, emails from MTBS will not be ended up in your “Junk” mailbox in future.

Please pass the message to those who don’t have emails.

Please kindly participate in promoting and propagating Buddha Sasana by allowing us to take and post pictures and/or video of attendees and the Dhamma activities at the temple including the practice of Vipassana Meditation, on the temple’s web-site. If you object to be photographed and videotaped, please kindly consult with the Venerable.

Summer Food Fair

We are going to have Summer Food Fair on Sunday August 11, 2024 at 11 am at Surrey Monastery.
You and your loved ones are cordially invited to participate as a vendor and/or a customer. Please have a taste of Myanmar in a fun and friendly atmosphere. In addition, your donation of food, labour, time and money will go all the way to Nirvana (Nibbana)

Place: MTBS – 13260 108th Ave, Surrey, BC

Date: August 11, 2024 (Sunday)

Time: 11 a.m to 1 p.m.

So far, we have the following list of food and vendors for the fair.

Vendor / Seller Item for Sale
Aunty Sein Fried Roselle with bamboo shoot (Chin Pung Kyaw)

Shan Pae Poak Kyaw

Nga-Pi-Kyaw (Balachong)

Oi (Aunty Sein’s friend) Spicy/ Mild Papaya Salad
Ko Aung Win & Ma Yin Vin Ohn Chicken Biryani (Dan Pauk)
Ko Tun Aung Kyaw Mont Hnin Khar + Fried Yellow Pea
Ko Aung Thu Khay Oh Si Chat
Ko Saw Myint Oo & Ma Hnin Beet Curry, Catfish Curry *Preorder required

Banana & Sticky Rice Sa-Noon-Ma_ Kin

Alfred Chu & Mya Mu Chu Burmese Tofu Salad
San Thauda Kyaing (Ma Thaw) Fish Cake Curry *Preorder required

Pa Zon Chin

Ma Kyi Kyi Win & Ma Naing

Naing Win

Steamed Milk Fish *Preorder required

Cassava Cake

Ko Than Hut & Ma Myint

Myint Mon

Durian Cake (Durian Ssa Noon Ma Kin)

Fish Nga Pi Chat

Po Po & Thida Aye Pyay Paratha
Ko Thet Naung & Ma Nyunt Fried Samosa
Dau Phyu Win & Daw Myint Myint Aye Assorted Veggie and Pea Soup

Assorted fried vegetables/snacks

Steamed Yellow Pea (Pae Pyot)

Pauline Faluda
New World Pa Zon Kwak Kyaw

More vendors are welcome to participate if you wish to sell delicious food or Burmese products at the Food Fair, please contact Daw Myint Myint Aye by phone or text @ 778-242-7455 to confirm your space.
Please kindly at preorder all curries & steamed milk fish no later than Sunday, August 4th by phone or text @ either to Daw Myint Myint Aye (778-242-7455) or Ma Thaw (604-802-8651).

With loving kindness (Metta),

Waso Robe offering ceremony on Sunday, July 21, 2024

You are cordially invited to this year’s Waso Robe offering ceremony on Sunday, July 21, 2024 at MTBS.
U Than Win, Daw Su Mon Oo and family will generously donate Shwe Taung Noodle to all attendees and well-wishers.

The event agenda is the following:

10:00 a.m. –  Taking five precepts,
10:05 a.m. –  Listening to Dhamma talk,
11:15 a.m. –  Offering lunch to Venerable U Sanda, and
11:30 a.m. –  Lunch (Shwe Taung Noodle) to well-wishers.

Manawmaya Theravada Buddhist Society (MTBS)
13260 108th Ave Surrey BC
(604) 951-9054

We are seeking volunteers to prepare Shwe Taung Noodle on Saturday, July 20, 2024, starting at 10 am.  If you can volunteer, please show up at the MTBS monastery on July 20, 2024, around 10 am.  The event donor will provide lunch for all volunteers.

Thank you very much, with loving-kindness (Metta).

Buddha (Vesak) day with Dhamma talk

We are going to celebrate the Buddha (Vesak) day with Dhamma talk on Sunday May 26, 2024 at the MTBS temple.
U Aung Win, Daw Yin Yin Ohn and family will generously donate  lunch (Mote-hin-gar)  to all attendees.
You and your loved ones are cordially invited to the event.

The event agenda is the following:

Manawmaya Theravada Buddhist Society (MTBS)
13260 108th Ave Surrey BC
(604) 951-9054


Sunday May 26, 2024



10:00 a.m. –  Taking five precepts,

10:05 a.m. –  Listening to Dhamma talk,

11:15 a.m. –  Offering lunch to Venerable U Sanda, and

11:20 a.m. –  Lunch (Mote-hin-gar) to  all attendees.

Registration for the two-day retreat with MyaukOo Sayadaw on April 27& 28, 2024 at MTBS

The agenda is as follow:
April 26, Friday: 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm – Special Dhamma Event 
April 27, Saturday, 7:00 am to 7:30 pm (Retreat)
April 28, Sunday, 7:00 am to 7:30 pm (Retreat)

Manawmaya Theravada Buddhist Society (MTBS)
13260 108th Ave Surrey BC
(604) 951-9054

Lunch on April 27 will be generously provided by Ma Thaw family, Ko family, and Catherine Aung
Lunch on April 28 will be generously provided by Dr. Tun Zan Maung family
You may bring a dish for the Sangha (3 in total) if you wish.

If you are interested to participate this two-day retreat, please register at the following link:


There are no paper forms for registration. Anyone who needs assistance in enrolling can text to either Dr. Tun Zan Maung (778-241-3716) or Dr Khin Khin Oo (604-318-4167).
All sermons are open to everyone and do not require registration. Please arrive on time.

Thank you very much with loving kindness (Metta).

Myanmar new year celebration with a Dhamma Talk

We are going to celebrate the Myanmar New Year with Dhamma talk on Sunday April 14, 2024 at the MTBS temple.

U Htay Aung, Daw Aung May Oo and family will generously donate lunch to all attendees.

You and your loved ones are cordially invited to the event.

The event agenda is the following:

Manawmaya Theravada Buddhist Society (MTBS)
13260 108th Ave Surrey BC
(604) 951-9054


10:00 a.m. –  Taking five precepts,
10:05 a.m. –  Listening to Dhamma talk,
11:15 a.m. –  Offering lunch to Venerable U Sanda, and
11:20 a.m. –  Lunch (Mote-hin-gar) to well-wishers.

Please see the attached updated Dhamma events calendar for 2024.  You can visit regularly http://www.mtbscanada.org and  https://www.facebook.com/mtbscanada/ for upcoming Dhamma events.

If you wish to sponsor a Dhamma Talk event to get wholesome merit, please kindly let the Venerable U Sanda know at (604) 951-9054.

You can also take some wholesome merit (Kuso) by laying the tables and chairs for all attendees and well-wishers before the event, taking them down and doing clean-up after the event.  Please pass the message to those who don’t have emails.